On HappinessPagi ini gue bangun dengan santai, nggak ada tujuan yang lagi ingin gue capai hari ini. Padahal ini hari Senin. Iya, gue udah janji sama…Jul 18, 2022Jul 18, 2022
Conversation of Nino and Julia partNino stirred his tea in a cup and tried to make the sugar dissolves in the water. The melodious tinkle was made from the friction of the…Jun 6, 2022Jun 6, 2022
Conversation of Nino and Julia 1Nino put the dough into his small oven and put away all the banana peels, biscuit crumbs, etc. He looked at his phone, Julia hadn’t call…Oct 16, 2020Oct 16, 2020
Conversation of Julia and Nino 6Nino just came back from his monthly grocery shopping. He put the paper bag on his stool near the kitchen. His apartment is not big, just……Jun 25, 2020Jun 25, 2020
Conversation of Julia and Nino 5Julia stared at her ceiling blankly. Being at home for a whole week made her gather all her scattered thoughts but it only made her more…Apr 9, 2020Apr 9, 2020
Conversation of Julia and Nino 4After poured her bowl pop tarts cereal and her chocolate milk in a different glass, Julia poured her cat, Bobby, his breakfast this…Mar 25, 2020Mar 25, 2020
Conversation of Julia and Nino 3Julia checked her phone. It’s 6 am. She blinked several times and twisted her chest and back, right and forth. She tried to release…Mar 8, 2020Mar 8, 2020
Conversation of Julia and Nino 2Another rough day for Julia. She really wanted to sleep but instead she called that person again.Mar 1, 2020Mar 1, 2020
Conversation of Julia and Nino 1Julia held her mug full of cold chocolate milk and put it on her table. The table was not messy nor well-organized. It’s enough to place…Mar 1, 2020Mar 1, 2020